@that_igor_ Build Momentum

My Principles

To live the life full of purpose, creativity and joy.

Hey, I’m Igor. I believe that to life the purposeful life you need to have a set of principles that keep you on the right course and help you avoid mistakes The list below is my working set of such principles to live my life by.


  • Appreciate the people near you. The best people improve you by challenging your ideas, sharing honest feedback, creating together and helping you become a better version of yourself. It’s so easy to forget to appreciate them during the constant daily struggle
  • Proudly exclude. You can be friend with anyone, but you can’t be a friend with everyone. Our time is just too limited. Recall your principles when you in doubt
  • Serve people. Get the max value for the people around you: your friends, family, the users of your services and products. Make them happy. Help them reach their goal. By genuinely serving other people I serve myself
  • Become world-class. Find your niche, your unique combinations of skills and create something BIG. Be yourself. You work hard for the best results, not for the mediocre
  • Big change is made of thousands small steps over the long time. 1 million followers start from 1 follower. Make small incremental improvement daily and don’t expect shortcuts. You can learn anything by practicing it regularly
  • Failure is the requirement for success. Those who don’t fail regularly just play it safe and don’t try hard enough. I tend to avoid failures but indeed that’s one of the main things that I learn from, so I should embrace and welcome failures. Don’t let the fear stop you
  • Simplicity is the core of great things. It’s hard to make a hard problem simple and we default to over-complication. Strive to create simplest solution for any problem. Get to simplicity through the fast iterations and tests
  • Most of my assumptions are wrong. Get out of your head. Get the proof by talking to real people about your guesses. Your positive assumptions will fail, your negative assumptions will turn out working. You never know
  • Change yourself. Revisit and improve your picture of the World. My vision will never been perfect and require iterative improvements. I likely wrong. Change is always good and it’s not easy
  • Protect your integrity. Don’t work with people who violate your principles and pushes you to go against your beliefs. There are lots of people in this world who aligns with my values, search for them instead
  • Enjoy every day of your life. It won’t get easier. Indeed it will get harder and harder. But the view of the World greatly depends on how we ourselves interpret things around us. Accept what is outside of our control and focus on what truly matters
The good set of principles is like a powerful Swiss Knife that you can apply to all your life problems Now think about your principles that will help you in the tough moment PS as long as you here, probably you’ll like my blog articles on tech, marketing and creativity